The following is a summary of all the projects I have worked on, and a brief description of the project as a whole. For more detailed information on my role within these projects, please select the employer from the drop down menu above.
Latest Projects
PROJECT: Arc Spray / Thermal Spray System product design
EMPLOYER: Praxair Surface Technologies
Design and Development of new Arc Spray products
PROJECT: Westinghouse AP1000 Nuclear Power Plants
Haiyang China AP1000 Balance of Plant Control System (CIBOP)
AP1000 Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM)
EMPLOYER: Westinghouse Electric Company
A complete design, manufacture and construction of the new Generation 3 Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant. Sites include Sanmen and Haiyang China; Jenkinsville, South Carolina; Waynesboro Georgia.
PROJECT: Westinghouse Small Modular Reactor
Instrumentation and Controls
EMPLOYER: Westinghouse Electric Company
Advanced Reactor Design for the next wave of light water nuclear reactor power plants. The reactor is rated at 800MW Thermal and modularized in design for remote applications.
“Andrew has definitely strived for excellence and results, as well as demonstrated a unique zest of innovation. He also demonstrates an ability to learn quickly and apply the newly acquired knowledge with precision.”
"...not only did he resolve the work flow processes, but generated a very robust comprehensive access tool that synchronized project information across the team in a centralized database..."
"...andrew also demonstrated leadership by volunteering to take a position that the remainder of the team shied away from. As the RITS / documentation coordinator, he had a significant amount of work cut out for him. However, he did this in addition to handling his own plant systems."
Thomas J. Lesperance, Engineer (Westinghouse)